To customise your default order settings please click on your username and then select settings and then orders.
You will then see the below options that can be customised.
Customising Pick and Pack Lists
Selro allows you to customise your pick and pack lists to suit your business needs. Below are the available customisation options:
Select Columns to Include/Exclude
Choose which headings to display or exclude in your PDF and Excel exportable pick and pack lists.
Grouping Options
Group your pick list by SKU for easier order management.
Printing Preferences
Select your preferred paper size for printing.
Customise the paper width to match your requirements.
Decide whether to print the Order ID in a barcode or QR code format.
One Page Per Order
Enable the option to print one page per order if you prefer a separate pick/pack list for each individual order.
Display Inventory SKU:
If selected inventory SKU and title will be shown in the order section instead of the listing SKU/title. This is useful if your inventory SKU is different from the listing SKU
Manage Order Cancellation Reason Codes
From here you can customise the available order cancellation reasons to suit your business.
Order Page Size
By default up to 100 orders will be shown in order management section. You can change the default setting by amending the field 'default order size'