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Marketplace Integration
TikTok Marketplace Integration
TikTok Marketplace Integration
Written by Selro Support
Updated over a week ago

Selro supports TikTok integration for

1. Create and Update listings into TikTok seller listings

2. Update Stock and Price into TikTok seller listings

3. TikTok order management

4. Automatic stock synchronisation with TikTok marketplace and your e-commerce stores

Connecting your TikTok account with Selro is a straightforward process. Please follow the steps outlined below to seamlessly integrate your accounts:

  1. In your Selro account, click on your username located in the top-right corner.

  2. Navigate to the "Connections" section.

  3. Under "Marketplaces," select "Add TikTok."

4. Select, 'connect your TikTok Seller Account'

5. This will bring up a list of available marketplaces to integrate, please select the TikTok site you wish to connect.

6. This will redirect you to the TikTok Seller Centre, please select your

account type.

7. You will be redirected to a login page please enter your TikTok login details here.

8. Once connected please come back to Selro and click 'Test connection' to ensure this is set up correctly.

Importing Products:

  1. Enable 'Download the catalogue into Selro.'

  2. Select 'Download TikTok catalogue' to import your products into Selro.

  3. The import process typically takes around an hour.

Pro Tip: Keeping the checkbox enabled ensures that any new products added directly to TikTok will be automatically imported into Selro every 24-48 hours.

Importing Orders:

  1. Enable 'Download the orders into Selro.'

  2. New orders placed after enabling this feature will be imported into Selro.

  3. Please note that past orders will not be automatically imported.

Important: If you wish to import past TikTok orders, refer to the user guide below for detailed instructions on bulk importing orders.

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