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B&Q Integration
Written by Selro Support
Updated over 9 months ago

To connect your B&Q account in Selro please follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Navigate to the top right-hand corner of your Selro account and click on your username. Then, select 'Connections' and choose 'Marketplaces.'

  2. Click on 'Add B&Q.'

  3. Enter an account nickname for internal reference in Selro.

  4. Provide your API key. If you're unsure where to find it, please contact your B&Q account manager for assistance. To locate your B&Q API key, log into your B&Q store account, go to 'My User Settings,' select the 'API Key' tab, and copy-paste the key into Selro.

  5. Enable the check box 'Download the Catalogue into Selro' and click the button 'Download B&Q Catalogue' to import your products into Selro. The import process typically takes about an hour.

  6. If you keep the checkbox enabled, any new products added directly to B&Q will be automatically imported into Selro every 24-48 hours.

  7. Enable 'Download the Orders into Selro' to commence importing your B&Q orders. Note that only new orders placed after enabling this field will be imported; past orders won't be automatically imported.

  8. If you wish to import your previous B&Q orders into Selro, follow the steps outlined in the user guide provided for bulk importing orders.

  9. Please be aware that B&Q integration currently supports stock synchronization and order management only. Creating new listings from Selro to B&Q is not supported. If you want to list new products on your B&Q store, do so directly on your B&Q account.

  10. For a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on this process, watch the instructional video provided below.

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