To seamlessly integrate your Shopify e-commerce account with Selro, follow the step-by-step instructions outlined below:
Accessing Selro Settings:
Entering Shopify Account Details:
Within Selro, provide a nickname for your Shopify account for internal reference purposes.
Enter your Shopify shop URL. (Please enter the HTTPS URL for the admin site e.g.
Configuring Shopify App Settings:
Setting up the Selro App:
Enter 'Selro' as the app name and your email address as the developer email.
Go to the 'Configuration' tab and enable API scopes by selecting all relevant scopes. Ensure all inventory and order management scopes are enabled for full functionality with Selro.
Enable the following application scopes (Read/Write): Analytics, Assigned Fulfilment orders, Customers, Discounts, Draft orders, Files, Fulfilment Services, Inventory, Locations, Merchant-managed fulfilment orders, Order editing, Orders, Product listings, Products, Shipping.
Click on 'Install App' to enable the API keys for Selro.
Obtaining the API Token:
Configuring Import and Synchronization Options:
If you wish to import products from Shopify, enable 'download the catalogue into Selro'. Note that this process may take around an hour.
To import orders or enable stock synchronization, enable 'download the orders into Selro'. You can also choose which order status to import, by default all order status' will import but you can disable scheduled and on hold orders from importing into Selro.
Ensure that the 'Shopify Inventory Policy' is set to Shopify tracking the product's inventory if you want Selro to manage stock levels for Shopify.
Test the connection to ensure it's working correctly.
Creating Listing Profiles (Optional):
Additional Resources:
For a visual tutorial on how to connect your Shopify account in Selro, watch the provided video for a step-by-step guide.
By following these instructions, you can seamlessly integrate your Shopify e-commerce account into Selro, optimizing your e-commerce management experience.