Please follow the below steps to bulk update Fruugo product data from Selro.
1- Please go to Fruugo Connection in Selro.
2-Please click 'Other Actions' -> 'Bulk Update Fruugo Feed.'
You can then use the above headers, (field) to fill the description, (product information) on a CSV file, and follow the 'Mandatory' guideline to see which headers are necessary on the file.
Please upload the file on this page.
Updating Product Information on Individual Products
If you would like to add/update product information for an individual product, you can do this as usual in Inventory -> Inventory and Listings, by selecting a product and entering this information here.
You can then update this listing to Fruugo.
This process is the same for creating new individual listings, you can follow the steps in the below guide.
Please note, it can take time to update the product information to Fruugo. Selro will update the feed URL, which you can view under connections, but there can be a slight delay in Fruugo then pushing the update on their side.
If you have any queries on this process, please contact us as [email protected].