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Bulk Import Your Catalogue To Selro
Written by Selro Support
Updated over 3 months ago

You can bulk import your full product catalogue into Selro via a CSV file.

(If your product catalogue is already on your marketplace you can download this through the connections section, please click on the link below to view this user guide.

To upload your full product catalogue first please populate the attached CSV file below.

If you do not want to populate all of the fields on the attached CSV file please delete the headers you do not want to use. e.g. if you do not want to update the 'BRAND' for this product please delete column p which has the header brand.

Please note this file can be used to create new products and to update existing product information. When updating existing product information the Quantity field will be ignored. To update the quantity in Selro you need to use the file type 'update quantity by SKU/Barcode'

If you are only updating some product information e.g. the description then you only need to include the headers SKU and DESCRIPTION, it is best practice to not re-upload the same data into Selro. Only upload data that you want to amend or update.

Please note on your CSV file you can only upload 10,000 lines per CSV file. If you have a high volume of products to upload please upload this in separate CSV files.

Once you have populated your CSV file please go to:

Inventory-> bulk actions


From here please select the bulk imports-> All import file types-> General Product Import CSV file.

You can then select 'choose file' and upload from here.


It will generally take between 20-30 minutes for your CSV file to upload.

You can check on the status of your upload file from the page 'file import history'

While your file is processing the status will say 'waiting' once your file has uploaded the status will change to complete.

If there are any issues with your CSV file for example you have uploaded your file with incorrect headers a warning message will appear on this page.

If you are not sure how to correct this warning message please contact our support team at [email protected] and we would be happy to assist you.

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