You may receive the above error message from FedEx for several reasons.
One common cause could be due to the incorrect product weight and dimensions being entered. Please check that the weight and dimensions entered at the product level are correct.
Another common cause of this error is because there is an issue with the API keys that have been entered. Please check and re-enter your API keys within Selro under the FedEx connection section.
If the API keys that you have entered are correct and you are still receiving the above error message this may mean that your production keys have not been enabled by FedEx. To resolve this you will need to create and send a test label to your account manager at FedEx (using your test API keys) and ask them to enable your production API Keys.
Once your account manager has enabled your production keys, please ensure these are entered correctly in Selro and you should be able to start generating and printing your shipping labels within Selro.