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Royal Mail PPI Labels
Written by Selro Support
Updated over a year ago

Selro supports both direct label printing for RM and the ability to produce custom shipping labels using RM PPI.

To configure PPI labels, please follow the below steps.

Please select shipping-> shipping courier set up-> PPI Setting


The below page will then appear.

You can set up the PPI images per channel by selecting the link 'settings' under the header PPI.


The below page will then appear.

Please select the shipping method and upload a PPI label for each method.

You can set a default PPI label for both domestic and international shipping methods.


If the required shipping method is not there, you can enter it manual into the 'Shipping Method' and select the PPI image and upload as shown in the below screen shot.


Your PPI images will then automatically be displayed on your custom shipping labels.

For more information on the default shipping labels please click on the link below.

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