This report contains a summary of all products that are low in stock.
To calculate a low stock alert the available stock level must be lower than the set low stock alert level for a given SKU.
If the low stock alert is empty, then all stock with a quantity less than or equal to 1 will be returned. You can also search stock levels between certain quantity levels. e.g you query all the items with stock levels between 5 -20.
To set you low stock alert levels please view our user guide below
Please follow the below steps to generate a low stock report.
Please click on the 'Reports' tab
Then select 'Low Stock'
From here you can specify the quantity range
Then click on 'export report'
You will then see the below notification
Once you have received your e-mail notification letting you know your report is complete please click on the 'Inventory tab'
Next select 'Bulk Actions'