Please follow below steps to create/update new listings into Bestbuy Canada.
Create new listings into Bestbuy Canada follow the similar process to other channels. You must first create a listing profile or profiles for each different types of your products. e.g If you sell toys and clothes, please create two different listing profiles.
Listing profiles can be found under the Bestbuy connection details.
In the listing profile, you have to select the Bestbuy Canada category and attributes for that category.
Please follow below steps to find the Bestbuy category and the attributes for that category.
Please login to your Bestbuy seller account and click Inventory -> Import from File.
This should show the below page. Please click 'Download CSV or XML file template' under the 'Import your inventory by API or FTP
This should show the below category tree. Please select the category for your products
This should download the template file for that category.
Please open the file in excel and this should show some thing like below. Under first column 'BBYCat' is the category id. Please copy this category id into the corresponding listing profile in Selro.
Once this is completed, please go back to the Inventory -> Import from File section again and click 'Configure and download an operator Excel file template' as shown below.
This will open up the below page. Please select the template to download as 'Products'
Select level of attributes as 'Required' and select the same category
Please click generate template
This will generate the template and show the file as below. Download the file and open with Excel
There will be 3 tabs in the excel file. Please go to 'Columns' tab .
Please copy the exact attribute names after the attribute '_MP_Source_Image_URL_01_Category_Root_EN'. You dont have to copy the attributes up to '_MP_Source_Image_URL_01_Category_Root_EN'
In this example , you have to copy the attributes _SizebyAge_31047_CAT_33537_EN,
and _BabyClothingType_836187_CAT_33537_EN
_CCPSACompliant_14630928_CAT_33537_ENPlease go back to the 'listing profile' in Selro and click 'Attributes' button and enter these attribute names and values.
Once this step is completed, you can start listing products using the updated listing profile.